private PuzzleGrid puzzleGrid;
private UserInterface userInterface;
private boolean isGameOver;
private boolean isPlaying;
private int score;
private int bestScore;
public void setup()
size(350, 600); frameRate(60); noStroke(); puzzleGrid = new PuzzleGrid(3); userInterface = new UserInterface();
public void draw()
background(255); textSize(24); rectMode(CENTER); if (isPlaying) { if (!isGameOver) {; puzzleGrid.update(); //If the puzzle is solved, update the score and reset the game and timer. if (puzzleGrid.checkSolved()) { score++; if (score > bestScore) { bestScore = score; } fill(0); text("Score: " + score + "/5", 175, 450); puzzleGrid.scramble(); userInterface.getTimer().reset(); } else { userInterface.getTimer().update(); //If the timer runs out, reset the game and timer. if (userInterface.getTimer().getRemainingSeconds() < Timer.LOWEST_SECONDS_VALUE) { puzzleGrid.scramble(); userInterface.getTimer().reset(); if (bestScore < score) { score = bestScore; } score = 0; } } } };
public void mouseReleased()
if (isPlaying) { if (isGameOver) { isGameOver = false; score = 0; userInterface.getTimer().reset(); puzzleGrid.scramble(); } else { //If you click on the Next Puzzle button, reset the game and timer. if ((mouseX >= 75 && mouseX <= 275) && (mouseY >= 445 && mouseY <= 495)) { puzzleGrid.scramble(); userInterface.getTimer().reset(); } // If you click on the End Puzzle button, end the game. if ((mouseX >= 75 && mouseX <= 275) && (mouseY >= 515 && mouseY <= 565)) { isGameOver = true; } //If the puzzle is not solved, allow the timer to run and the pieces to move. puzzleGrid.selectPieceToMove(); } } else { isPlaying = true; score = 0; userInterface.getTimer().reset(); }
public class PuzzleGrid
private PuzzlePiece[][] puzzlePieces; private int baseLength; private PuzzleGrid() { } public PuzzleGrid(int baseLength) { this.baseLength = baseLength; this.puzzlePieces = new PuzzlePiece[baseLength][baseLength]; boolean[][] reseted = new boolean[baseLength][baseLength]; for (int row = 0; row < baseLength; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < baseLength; column++) { int selectedRow = (int)random(baseLength); int selectedColumn = (int)random(baseLength); while (reseted[selectedRow][selectedColumn]) { selectedRow = (int)random(baseLength); selectedColumn = (int)random(baseLength); } reseted[selectedRow][selectedColumn] = true; this.puzzlePieces[row][column] = new PuzzlePiece((selectedRow * baseLength) + selectedColumn, new PVector(row, column)); } } for (int row = 0; row < baseLength; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < baseLength; column++) { if (puzzlePieces[row][column].getNumberValue() == pow(baseLength, 2) - 1) { puzzlePieces[row][column] = null; } } } } public void show() { for (int row = 0; row < getBaseLength (); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < getBaseLength (); column++) { PuzzlePiece puzzlePiece = puzzlePieces[row][column]; if (puzzlePiece != null) {; } } } } public void update() { for (int row = 0; row < getBaseLength (); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < getBaseLength (); column++) { PuzzlePiece puzzlePiece = puzzlePieces[row][column]; if (puzzlePiece != null) { puzzlePiece.update(); } } } } /** * Checks the puzzle to see if it is solved. */ public boolean checkSolved() { for (int row = 0; row < getBaseLength(); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < getBaseLength(); column++) { PuzzlePiece puzzlePiece = puzzlePieces[row][column]; if (puzzlePiece == null) { if (row != getBaseLength() - 1 || column != getBaseLength() - 1) { return false; } } else { if (puzzlePiece.getNumberValue() != (row * getBaseLength()) + column) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Randomizes the entire puzzle grid. Does not initialize a new set of puzzle pieces. */ public void scramble() { PuzzlePiece[][] tempPuzzlePieces = new PuzzlePiece[getBaseLength()][getBaseLength()]; boolean[][] reseted = new boolean[getBaseLength()][getBaseLength()]; for (int row = 0; row < getBaseLength (); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < getBaseLength (); column++) { int selectedRow = (int)random(getBaseLength()); int selectedColumn = (int)random(getBaseLength()); while (reseted[selectedRow][selectedColumn]) { selectedRow = (int)random(getBaseLength()); selectedColumn = (int)random(getBaseLength()); } reseted[selectedRow][selectedColumn] = true; tempPuzzlePieces[row][column] = puzzlePieces[selectedRow][selectedColumn]; if (tempPuzzlePieces[row][column] != null) { tempPuzzlePieces[row][column].setCurrentPosition(new PVector(row, column)); tempPuzzlePieces[row][column].setDestinationPosition(new PVector(row, column)); } } } puzzlePieces = tempPuzzlePieces; } public void selectPieceToMove() { for (int row = 0; row < getBaseLength (); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < getBaseLength (); column++) { PuzzlePiece puzzlePiece = puzzlePieces[row][column]; if (puzzlePiece != null) { if (puzzlePiece.isMouseOver()) { if ((row - 1 >= 0 && row - 1 < getBaseLength()) && puzzlePieces[row - 1][column] == null) { puzzlePieces[row - 1][column] = puzzlePiece; puzzlePiece.setDestinationPosition(new PVector(row - 1, column)); puzzlePieces[row][column] = null; } else if ((column - 1 >= 0 && column - 1 < getBaseLength()) && puzzlePieces[row][column - 1] == null) { puzzlePieces[row][column - 1] = puzzlePiece; puzzlePiece.setDestinationPosition(new PVector(row, column - 1)); puzzlePieces[row][column] = null; } else if ((column + 1 >= 0 && column + 1 < getBaseLength()) && puzzlePieces[row][column + 1] == null) { puzzlePieces[row][column + 1] = puzzlePiece; puzzlePiece.setDestinationPosition(new PVector(row, column + 1)); puzzlePieces[row][column] = null; } else if ((row + 1 >= 0 && row + 1 < getBaseLength()) && puzzlePieces[row + 1][column] == null) { puzzlePieces[row + 1][column] = puzzlePiece; puzzlePiece.setDestinationPosition(new PVector(row + 1, column)); puzzlePieces[row][column] = null; } } } } } } // // Getters / Setters // public int getBaseLength() { return this.baseLength; } public void setBaseLength(int baseLength) { this.baseLength = baseLength; } public PuzzlePiece getPuzzleElement(int index) { int row = index / getBaseLength(); int column = index % getBaseLength(); return this.puzzlePieces[row][column]; }
Tweaker’s note:
Another unfortunate crisis is when the naming of variables are extremely vague. For
sanity purposes, please name your variables something meaningful! The name of this
file was also changed to match its actual use.
public class PuzzlePiece
public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 72;
public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 72;
public static final int MAX_TRANSITION_VALUE = 100;
private PVector currentPosition, destinationPosition;
private int transitionValue;
private int numberValue;
public PuzzlePiece(int numberValue, PVector currentPosition)
this.numberValue = numberValue;
this.currentPosition = currentPosition;
this.destinationPosition = currentPosition;
public void show()
case 0:
fill(255, 0, 55);
case 1:
fill(223, 0, 83);
case 2:
fill(195, 0, 111);
case 3:
fill(167, 0, 139);
case 4:
fill(139, 0, 167);
case 5:
fill(111, 0, 195);
case 6:
fill(83, 0, 223);
case 7:
fill(55, 0, 255);
case 8:
fill(255, 255, 255);
fill((getNumberValue() * 37) % 255,
(getNumberValue() * 53) % 255,
(getNumberValue() * 71) % 255);
// Perform calculations to render the tile transition seamlessly, if it needs to move.
double transitionPercent = (double)((double)getTransitionValue() / MAX_TRANSITION_VALUE);
int differenceX = (int)((getDestinationPosition().x - getCurrentPosition().x) *
(DEFAULT_WIDTH + 3) * transitionPercent);
int differenceY = (int)((getDestinationPosition().y - getCurrentPosition().y) *
(DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 3) * transitionPercent);
rect((getCurrentPosition().x * (DEFAULT_WIDTH + 3)) + differenceX + 100,
(getCurrentPosition().y * (DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 3)) + differenceY + 150,
text(getNumberValue() + 1,
(getCurrentPosition().x * (DEFAULT_WIDTH + 3)) + differenceX + 100,
(getCurrentPosition().y * (DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 3)) + differenceY + 150);
public void update()
// Update the transition value if the destination isn't the same as the current position.
if (getCurrentPosition().x != getDestinationPosition().x ||
getCurrentPosition().y != getDestinationPosition().y)
if (getTransitionValue() < MAX_TRANSITION_VALUE)
setTransitionValue(getTransitionValue() + 5);
public boolean isMouseOver()
if ((mouseX >= (getDestinationPosition().x * (DEFAULT_WIDTH + 3) + 100 - (DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2)))
&& (mouseX <= (getDestinationPosition().x * (DEFAULT_WIDTH + 3) + 100 + (DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2))) &&
(mouseY >= (getDestinationPosition().y * (DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 3) + 150 - (DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2)))
&& (mouseY <= (getDestinationPosition().y * (DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 3) + 150 + (DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2))))
return true;
return false;
// Getters / Setters
public PVector getCurrentPosition()
return this.currentPosition;
public void setCurrentPosition(PVector currentPosition)
this.currentPosition = currentPosition;
public PVector getDestinationPosition()
return this.destinationPosition;
public void setDestinationPosition(PVector destinationPosition)
this.destinationPosition = destinationPosition;
public int getNumberValue()
return this.numberValue;
public void setNumberValue(int numberValue)
this.numberValue = numberValue;
public int getTransitionValue()
return this.transitionValue;
public void setTransitionValue(int transitionValue)
this.transitionValue = transitionValue;
Tweaker’s note:
Unfortunately, the original author included the variables secMin and seconds, which are
rendered redundant by tricks by the tweaker. Thus, two variables are removed from the
public class Timer
public static final int LOWEST_SECONDS_VALUE = 0;
private int maximumSeconds;
private int currentTime, startingTime;
public Timer(int maximumSeconds)
this.maximumSeconds = maximumSeconds;
public void reset()
public void show()
text("Time Left: " + ceil(getRemainingSeconds()), 175, 50);
public void update()
public int getRemainingSeconds()
return getMaximumSeconds() - ((getCurrentTime() - getStartingTime()) / 1000);
// Getters / Setters
public int getCurrentTime()
return this.currentTime;
public void setCurrentTime(int currentTime)
this.currentTime = currentTime;
public int getMaximumSeconds()
return this.maximumSeconds;
public void setMaximumSeconds(int maximumSeconds)
this.maximumSeconds = maximumSeconds;
public int getStartingTime()
return this.startingTime;
public void setStartingTime(int startingTime)
this.startingTime = startingTime;
Tweaker’s note:
By putting your update code all over the place, you risk making everything completely hard to
maintain for not only everyone who reads your code, but also for yourself. To fix this,
UserInterface would only contain the timer and certain rendering.
Also, had I simply chose to do a direct port of the code to ProcessingJS, then the program would
crash upon entering the Game Over state, due to textAlign not being adjusted for zero length
string. This is caused by the use of newlines (\n) in the text display.
public class UserInterface
private Timer timer;
public UserInterface()
timer = new Timer(90);
public void show()
if (isPlaying)
if (isGameOver)
text("Thanks for playing!\n \nScore: " + score +
"\nBest Score: " + bestScore +
"\n \nClick to \nplay again",
width / 2,
//draw score
text("Score: " + score, 175, 400);
//draw new puzzle button
rect(175, 470, 200, 50);
text("New Puzzle", 175, 480);
//draw end game button
rect(175, 540, 200, 50);
text("End Game", 175, 550);
text("Left click to start", width / 2, height / 2);
public void update()
// Getters / Setters
public Timer getTimer()
return this.timer;
public void setTimer(Timer timer)
this.timer = timer;